Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Ravensire /POR/ The Cycle Never Ends 18.06.2016

Ravensire /POR/ The Cycle Never Ends 18.06.2016
Caverna Abismal Records

I wrote already a little bit review about the music of Ravensire apropos of Caverna Ab
ismal Records’ first festival, called: Masmorra Fest. I got also their latest whole album „The Cycle Never Ends” as it will be re-release on cassette at the same time. It is a re-release, because it has been released already on CD in February and on 12” Vinyl in March 2016.

Ravensire is a
Portuguese Heavy metal quartet that has been born in 2011 and until this time they released an EP (Iron Will,2012) an LP (We March Forward,2013) and a split 7” with Terminus in 2013. The band curiosity, that this band is the project of Filii Nigrantium Infernalium bassist Helregni alias Rick Thor. So he is an omnivorous metal guy as he has also a Thrash band (Perpetratör).

No need to
wonder, that Ravensire is a music of talented musicians. All members play his instruments very well and able to create that they want: an epic Heavy Metal band.

The beginning of first track 'Cromlech Revelations’ is very similar to the above mentioned track, that is the Ravensire side of split 7”. So galloping guitar themes and a big Running Wild influence. Braveness and heroism flooding from this song.

Next 'Crosshaven ' is a bit more simply and has a Viking -like feeling. Probably this song inspired the drawing of cover where a Viking warrior visible in the front of a village as he going into the wood. Simply, but melodic song.

Third 'Solitary Vagrant’ is a bit faster song, but I don't feel any plus feeling from it. However the fourth 'Procession Of The Dead’ that is a bit dark song as the title suggest. A little bit remind me to some Vanity era Celtic Frost. There is a little acoustic theme with
Latin speech. Excuse me, but this is my favorite song until now even when I was a child maybe the first song would have been my fave and Procession Of The Dead maybe like any distant memory.

Fifth 'Trapped In Dreams’ sounds like it is a reborn (from the dead) with full of energy and new aspects. Also I think, that this is the end of a chapter as next three song is a concept that got a main
title: White Pillars Trilogy.

First 'Eternal Sun’, is a bit like tale and can give a vision with simple metal instruments like guitar, drum, bass and
voice. I can say the same about next two songs ('Blood and Gold’;Temple at the End of the World’) This new 'chapter’ is like the hymns of Manowar or Rhapsody that can lead us into the battlefields of ancient ages...and Ravensire can too. Open a book of ancient history and listen to Ravensire. It will be uplifting.                                                       

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